Sponsorship of EasySignup for JCI chapters in Europe

Hello JCI member

This is a special page for members of JCI were we inform about the sponsorship to JCI Europe of our online signup system EasySignup.

Update January 2024: The sponsorship is without the payment module due to bank and money transfer sanctions and issues when dealing with international bank transfers from some countries. However, we can allow the use of the payment module in some countries. Please contact us for more information.

If you still can use the system without the payment module, you are welcome to create an account and start using the system.

EasySignup is an online signup system that makes managing an event simple and easy. Whether it is an event for members in a local chapter, a business event or a national conference, EasySignup supports you.

Attendees sign up through a secure system, allowing you to spend your time and energy on other important tasks regarding the event. Meanwhile EasySignup handles the signup process and some of the administration of the attendees.
Manual registration of signups, outdated attendee lists, copy/paste errors, lost information and overbooking is a thing of the past.

Our business model is to sell "flat rate unlimited use licenses" to companies and organizations with paid staff.

Background information:
EasySignup has had a partnership with JCI Denmark since 2013 and has been in operation since April 2012.
The partnership consists in all local JCI chapters and the national organization in Denmark can use a sponsored license to EasySignup free of charge.

In june 2018, JCI Europe and EasySignup made a partnership which offers all JCI chapters in Europe a sponsorship of EasySignup.

Great overview of events in your country
In JCI Denmark all local chapters use EasySignup to handle their events.
That means information about all events in JCI Denmark are in one system.
It makes it possible to create a combined list of events which is automaticliy updated.
That gives a single great overview of events in JCI Denmark which is easy to communicate to members.
The danish combined list of events can be seen at this link

A local chapter can choose which of their events shall be shown on the combined list.

Sponsorship offer:
We would like to offer national organizations and local JCI chapters a sponsored license without payment module and a national group event list.

Our motivation behind offering a sponsorship is that we would like to support JCI, and I as the founder of EasySignup is a member of JCI Aalborg in Denmark and knows what a difference it has made for our chapter.

Additionally, we get exposure when you use the system which spreads the word about our existence to new potential paying customers.

How to get started:
For individual chapters:
Create an account for your own chapter through the link below.

For national teams:
If you would like the group event list for your country:
- Create an account for the country's national team.
- Get some local chapters to create accounts and get them started on creating events.
- When they have events online, email thomas@easysignup.com and we will take it from there.

Click here to create a sponsored account for your chapter

Contact details for questions:
Email: thomas@easysignup.com
Phone: +4570404061 during office hours (mon-fri, 9-16 CET)

Best regards
Thomas Kjaergaard
Proud member of JCI Aalborg and founder of EasySignup.com

PS: Below you can see a presentation of the system and see us the team behind it.