Order EasySignup

Fill out the information below to order and create a new EasySignup account.

You're already on your way to making management of your next event much easier.

Product selection

1. Chosen product

2. Payment Method

Cost before discount

Your discount

Your cost for subscription period


Price including VAT

General Information

Information marked with * is required

You need to fill in the name of your company- or organization.
Your phone number was entered incorrectly
You need to fill in your country
You need to fill in your state
You need to fill in your address
You need to fill in your postal/ZIP-code
You need to fill in your city
You need to fill in your timezone


Personal information

You need to fill in your first name
You need to fill in your last name
Your email was entered incorrectly
You need to choose a username for login

Your password must be a minimum of 12 characters long
Not identical


Internet address for the account

You need to choose a subdomain for your account.

This will be the internet address for your own EasySignup page:



You need to confirm that the organisation is based on volunteering, without paid employees.

EasySignup proces your personal data when you use the self-service system to administrate events. You can read more about EasySignups processing of your personal data in the cookie- and privacy policy.

Notice: The following terms of use and data processing agreement will need to be approved in order to use the EasySignup subscription. The approval will be performed during a startup wizard once the account has been created.

Terms of use

You are not obligated to make any purchase when registering for a sponsored EasySignup account. If you don't want to keep using EasySignup, we will simply close your account.

f course, we hope that EasySignup makes your work with events so much easier, that you want to keep using it. If that's the case, we will find a solution that fits your needs.

You can create up to 20 users on the same account and help each other administer your events.

Support via email and support tickets are included.

Event registration? Easy peasy if you ask